Admin GUI Overview
The EJBCA Admin Web allows you to access a wide range of administrative functions, grouped by menu category below.
Note that the Admin Web allows setting up CAs and profiles, while the RA Web covers all aspects of End Entity creation and life-cycle management.
CA Functions
RA Functions
Page:End Entities
Page:End Entity Profiles
Supervision Functions
Page:Approval Profiles
Page:Approving Actions
Page:View Log Options
System Functions
Page:Peer Systems
System Configuration
Page:Extended Key Usages
Page:External Scripts
EJBCA Administration
The first page of the Admin Web displays status information for the publish queue and the CA. The information to be displayed can be configured under My Preferences.
Publisher Queue Status
The Publish queue status shows the current number of publish events stored in the publisher queue. Events can be stored in the publisher queue either because publishing failed, or because publishing goes to the queue directly.
CA Status
The CA health status overview indicates if CAs are off-line and if CRLs are invalid, using the following columns:
CA Service: A red error indicates that the CA is not on-line or the CA token is not on-line. External CAs are always shown as ok. If the CA or CA token is not on-line, check the CA activation page to see if the CA can be activated.
CRL Status: A red error indicates that a CRL or delta CRL has expired without a new one being created. Note that delta CRLs are only monitored if used. For information on generating new CRLs, see CRL Generation.