
1. Loading the NetBeans project

  1. Download NetBeans project ( and unzip it to any directory

  2. Open NetBeans

  3. Go to File > Open Project

  4. Browse to the directory where the project was unzipped to

  5. Select the Project and click Open Project

2. Building the servlet WAR file

The WAR file can be done either from within NetBeans, if you are a NetBeans developer, or from the command line using ant.

Using NetBeans

  1. Right click the project and select "Clean and Build" or click Run on the menu bar and select "Clean and Build Project".

  2. A new WAR file will be created in the dist directory

  3. This file and be deployed to Tomcat

Using ant

  1. Open a command line in the autoenroll directory

  2. build the WAR file with the command ant

  3. The new WAR file will be created in the dist directory