EJBCA Client Toolbox

The EJBCA Client Toolbox enables a set of tools that can be used without an EJBCA. Built from the EJBCA source, the resulting distribution package can be moved to any machine.

The Client Toolbox provides commands to function as a Web Service RA, to manage keys on PKCS#11 HSM, to perform EJBCA health checks, to enroll CVC EAC certificates, or to test CMP and SCEP protocol etc.

Build these tools with:

ant clientToolBox

The directory ./dist/clientToolBox is created, which can be moved to any location. To use any of the tools, call ejbcaClientToolBox.sh in this directory.

You may call the script from any location. Running the command will provide on-line documentation for available commands and options.

If you put the directory in your PATH then you just have to write ejbcaClientToolBox.sh to call it.

If you call the script without any arguments, you get a list of all valid first arguments which specifies the tool to use. For example:


Then one argument provides help on the specified tool. For example:

ejbcaClientToolBox.sh ocsp