EJBCA Main Installation
This Main Installation section includes information on prerequisites, configuration and installation of EJBCA as well as application server configuration.
The section also includes instructions on using a quick setup script for installing a scripted installation run locally on an uncompressed EJBCA distribution.
For installation instructions on running EJBCA as an external OCSP responder, see OCSP Management and for a step-by-step guide for a standalone Validation Authority (VA) installation, see Standalone VA Installation.
In the EJBCA installation documentation, X_HOME is used for indicating the file system directory location of application X. For example, EJBCA_HOME is the home directory of the unzipped EJBCA distribution. APPSRV_HOME is used interchangeably with for example JBOSS_HOME and is the home directory of the application server.
The EJBCA installation documentation is divided into the following sections: