Partitioned Approval Profiles

This profile can contain several steps that have to be approved in sequence. Each step, however, contains one or more partitions that can be approved simultaneously. It is also possible to set fields to store data when a partition is approved.


Field Name



The name of the partition.

Roles which may approve this partition

Which roles that are allowed to approve or reject this partition.

Roles which may view this partition

Which roles that are allowed to view this partition.

Data fields

Data that should be collected when approving this partition. Different types of data are supported and as many fields as needed can be added.

Data Type


Check Box

To mark something as yes or no.

Number (Short)

A number of no more than 6 digits is expected to be entered.

Number (Long)

A longer number is expected to be entered.

Radio Button

Several options are set and only one of them has to be chosen when approving the request.

Text Field

A longer text field

Add notification

Configure a note that will be sent to the administrators who can approve or reject this partition. See Approval Notification about what parameters are possible to use.

Add user notification

Configure a note that will be sent to the end user when the status of this partition is changed. The notification will be sent to the email specified in the end entity. See Approval Notification about what parameters are possible to use.